Extroversion, Introversion and What Lies between

Extrovert Introvert

By now, everyone has probably been impacted by the ongoing not-yet-to-be-resolved epidemic of the year (hopefully). Being in UK with the entire ‘social-distancing‘ thing and lockdown-(ish) regulations going on, one can go insane. Earlier today, I came across a post, on Facebook, that mentioned the concepts of extroversion and introversion. Despite being quite lengthy, the post missed the points and the meanings of the two concepts to begin with, which makes me wonder how many people out there with a misconception about the two terms. Someone recently told me: “You must be going crazy being inside”, to which I asked what they meant and was told: “Because you’re such an extrovert“. “Interesting” – I thought to myself.

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The Culture of Bias We Are Living in

The Culture of Bias We Are Living in

The word “bias” itself already means something negative, and we are all aware of it, but why is bias still existing? I had never really paid much attention to it, although I have always been aware of its existence and how it undermines my thought process. It was not until I was suggested to consider ‘unconscious bias‘ for my Master’s dissertation that I actually started looking into it. It is shocking how much of a norm people have made it become in their lives. I am not here to lecture anyone on or to try to address the impacts of bias, because we have all probably already known the negativity it brings along. Rather, I just want to talk about it, and try to start a conversation (or two) about it.

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Midnight Existential Crisis.

Midnight existential crisis.jpg

It is safe to say that I normally have my life together, which has been something I am very proud of, most of the time. But towards the end of my degree, I felt like the pressure of having to enter ‘the real life’ with the struggles of being an adult really hit and I started panicking. Since then, I have been thinking to myself a lot about what I should do next in life and have often found myself among difficult choices, none of which I am very drawn to.

Continue reading “Midnight Existential Crisis.”