Extroversion, Introversion and What Lies between

Extrovert Introvert

By now, everyone has probably been impacted by the ongoing not-yet-to-be-resolved epidemic of the year (hopefully). Being in UK with the entire ‘social-distancing‘ thing and lockdown-(ish) regulations going on, one can go insane. Earlier today, I came across a post, on Facebook, that mentioned the concepts of extroversion and introversion. Despite being quite lengthy, the post missed the points and the meanings of the two concepts to begin with, which makes me wonder how many people out there with a misconception about the two terms. Someone recently told me: “You must be going crazy being inside”, to which I asked what they meant and was told: “Because you’re such an extrovert“. “Interesting” – I thought to myself.

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Midnight Existential Crisis.

Midnight existential crisis.jpg

It is safe to say that I normally have my life together, which has been something I am very proud of, most of the time. But towards the end of my degree, I felt like the pressure of having to enter ‘the real life’ with the struggles of being an adult really hit and I started panicking. Since then, I have been thinking to myself a lot about what I should do next in life and have often found myself among difficult choices, none of which I am very drawn to.

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A Little Balade in Paris (part 2) – Disneyland

A Little Balade in Paris

In last week’s post, I was sharing my first night in Paris with my friend and her birthday dinner in the lovely little restaurant La Bécane à Gaston. On the second day in the capital of France, we have decided to visit the most magical place on Earth – Disneyland (I am not saying that Disneyland Paris is the most magical place on Earth but rather any place Disney-associated). Come with the story of how the day in Disneyland went are the tips and advices that I wish I had known prior to the visit.

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A Little Balade in Paris (part 1)

A Little Balade in Paris.jpg

Finally, I have time to properly sit down and write after all the craziness in the past year. I have always wanted to visit France since my school days where I learned and read about the beauty of the country and its history and culture through authors like Albert Camus and Victor Hugo. Beside that, its renowned reputation for food has also been contributing to my desire to explore the country in general and Paris in particular. Despite all that, I have never been a crazy traveler myself, hence why it took me all this time to actually decide to spend my holiday in Paris. Although I did not spend a lot of time here, I have got to visit so many different places that left me stunned and craving for more. To treasure this experience, I have decided to write it down in a blog post; also because I have not been able to update this blog in such a long time due to my crazy busy schedule between university and work. 

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Be Your True Colours

be your true colours

Recently, I have been so caught up with a lot of works that I completely did not have any bit of time to sit down and write something. It is just like the feelings when you find it necessary to update your diary but at the same time you are so occupied the whole time that by the end of the day, you are just exhausted. I am writing this on my train, when the wifi connection as well as the mobile data are super week. Thus, I was just thinking it might be a good idea to write about one of the things that have made me think a lot in the past few weeks.

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Pursuing My Passion For Makeup (a short version)

Pursuing My Passion For Makeup

I love doing make up, and there is no denying for that. I do not consider myself as a high-maintenance kind of person, but I feel genuinely responsible for waking up early and preparing myself for work or university by taking time doing my makeup. To me, makeup is not just a way to hide my flaws or some kinds of art, it is the way I have chosen to express who I am to the world.

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How Much I Have Changed After Going Abroad

how much I have changed after going abroad.jpg

Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart” (William Wordsworth). I really have not written in a while, mainly because I have been dragged away by so many things going on in life, from uni to work. This is partly also because I normally do not stick to plans or stay focus for long. Even then, I figure adopting a habit as writing may help me in different ways, thus, I wish to not abandon the blog and try to write at least once a month, about anything really. I want to create a platform where I can write and share what I have been enjoying and what I have not in terms of products I purchase, the daily stories that got me thinking and also my thoughts on certain issues in life. Being able to write these down and share them with others, I will be able to develop myself as a person and my writing skills, too.

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